The Financial Ride

Have you ever had one of those days where it was like being on a roller coaster, or feeling as though “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get?”  I recently had a day just like that.  My emotions were all over the place — one minute I was crying and the next I was laughing. I had feelings of frustration then feelings of hope and inspiration.  In a nut shell, I was a mess.  Thank God for my son, he has a way of listening and talking to me that puts things into perspective and makes sense.

When I experience days such as these it’s because of my own doing.  Somehow I always manage to make a mess of my life, whether it be in the area of work relationships, putting things off till the last minute, or in finances.

Finances are a big area of torment for me.  Since the passing of my husband, life has been a bit of a struggle financially.  I make enough income to cover all my obligations… but just enough.  I think I have a good budget in place only to watch it fall apart at the slightest error in budgeting.  My answer to the problem is to borrow money, knowing full well that I do not have enough money in which to pay it back, and unfortunately what ends up happening is that I re-borrow on the same loan that I took out in the first place.  I like to call it the “snowball” affect. The problem with snowballs is that they do eventually melt.  Well believe me, you can only do that for so long until it catches up with you.

Yes, I’ve made a mess of things alright, no wonder my emotions have gone awry.  The question I have for myself is:  am I not making enough money in which to meet my obligations and still be able to live comfortably, or am I living outside my means?  The answer for myself  is that I don’t have a debt problem, I have an income problem.

Sitting back pouting and whining poor me isn’t going to help my situation at all.  Perhaps making an analysis of my strengths and the things I’m really good at will help build a foundation that I can actually use in order to generate more income.  I know that I have much to offer in many areas of my life other than just going to a job for eight hours and putting in my time.

As I continue to figure things out I will put pen to paper and write down any thoughts and ideas that may come to me.  My goal  with this blog page has always been to expand it and make it a place for fellow bloggers to find fun, inspiring and useful information.  I’m still in the infant stages and still learning as I go but I am dedicated to seeing this through.

I don’t know what the future holds for me and I certainly don’t know the way, the how or the means by which I am suppose to turn my finances around.  I do know that I have the capabilities in  me to make the changes needed.  Once I figure it all out, I must be determined to do what is  necessary and take the proper  actions that help me be more successful in achieving financial freedom.

If I am going to have a roller coaster day, then by all means let it be an adventure instead of fighting the ups and downs. By the way…did I mention that I hate roller coasters? Ha-ha.  I certainly hope that you are having a wonderful weekend free of the headaches and worries of everyday life.  May you go out and dream big dreams and accomplish all the goals you’ve established for your life.  Until next time…God Bless you.

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