The Wasp

For the last couple of weeks when I have gone out to check for mail in my mailbox, I have been met with the presence of a wasp.  She doesn’t try to sting or attack me in anyway, she just flies off to who knows where until the next day when we meet again.  You see, my mailbox closes, but not tightly, and there is just enough of a gap for her to get in.  I say “she” because she is building a nest about the size of a walnut inside the box.  She has decided that the mailbox is a safe place for her eggs.

Unfortunately for her, I have been removing her nest on a daily basis.  I am intrigued by the intricacies of each little comb she builds.  The beauty, strength and purpose the nest will provide for her offspring is fascinating to me.  The love and care she puts into her work and the attention to detail is magnificent.  It almost makes me not want to remove the nest at all, but with that  being said, I know if I continue to let her stay there her colony will only grow larger and larger.

Her love and devotion to her eggs is very much the same love and devotion we have for the ones that we love.  We want to build beautiful safe havens for our families.  We go through storms in life that knock us to our knees at times, but we get up, rebuild and persevere.  We are determined to do the work that needs to be done to survive.  We are gentle and delicate with our babes, while remaining  strong and firm as we teach them along the way.  Our beauty is in our character, our deeds and our devotion, just as the queen wasp makes her beauty known in the loveliness of each and every comb she builds.

May we all remain devoted to the love, beauty and strength all around us, and weave in wonderful relationships of family and friends into the nest of life we call humanity.  Until next time… God Bless you

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